Worship the Lord with gladness; come into his presence with singing. Know that the Lord is good. It is he that made us, and we are his;
We are his people, and the sheep of his pasture. Psalm 100:2-3

9:00 AM Service

Known as our “Worship 2.0 service” this service is a spirited, dynamic, yet casual worship experience where all are welcomed and engaged each week in a creative and participatory way through current worship music led by the W2.0 Band and the love of Christ shared through a powerful message that impacts our daily lives.  Sharing in a time of confession and in a meal of Holy Communion centers us and prepares us to live out the Gospel.   This service is livestreamed and available on our YouTube channel.

11:00 AM Service

This classic worship experience utilizes a variety of liturgies throughout the year to guide and enhance our services. During this service, along with the Word and Sacrament, the gift of music is shared on both organ and piano with familiar and meaningful hymns, the talented all-volunteer choir sings regularly, and special music with both instrumentalists and vocalists is planned for many celebratory occasions.